Last week on TV

Last week on TV

Last week on TV

I watched a LOT this week but it is mostly stuff I had on in the background while I coded 😊

So long, and thanks for all the tweets

Twitter has been going downhill ever since Elon bought it. But things like unbanning Nazis and removing actual verification didn’t directly affect me so, shamefully, I still kept reading Twitter every day.

You see, although there’s a lot of talk about leaving that hellsite, there are lots of people holding on, perhaps worried about losing the vast number of followers they have collected, or thinking things would go back to how they were eventually.

I am a Twitter completionist. This means that for as long as I can remember, probably since not long after I joined in 2007, I have read every single tweet on my timeline. This was helped enormously by third-party Twitter apps, especially since they started keeping your place in the timeline (shoutout to Manton Reece for inventing Tweet Marker).

Twitter was where I would get most of my news, either current affairs or just news about cool new tech. Using a third party app (mostly TweetBot, though I flirted with Twitterific for a while), meant that there was no algorithm and no ads – just a chronological list of tweets from my curated list of accounts that I followed.

That all changed about a day ago when Twitter removed access to third-party apps. They still haven’t explained it or confirmed it is new policy, but their silence on the matter speaks volumes. Elon obviously decided that people using third party apps and not giving him as revenue were fair game to ‘sacrifice’.

Spending just a few minutes on the official Twitter app was enough to convince me I won’t be using it daily. It disrespects your choices by forcing you back into the algorithmic timeline on every launch, and the chronological timeline is chock full of ads. Even if there are still people there that I want to hear from, I don’t want to do it like this. I’ll probably jump in every now and then just out of morbid curiosity, but it’s no longer a big part of my life.

So long, and thanks for all the tweets.

You can find me on Mastodon.

2022 in Fitness & Travel

I took ~2.5 million steps – avg of 6.9k per day
I worked out 305 times – highest concentration was February & March
Lost 5.2kg and 3.8% body fat (lost more than that actually but gained some too!)
And in travel, I visited all over the UK, France, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Las Vegas, and Mauritius.

Last week on TV

November Fitness

November was a bad month in fitness for me – in my defence we did spend a week of this away with no access to a gym, and early morning starts. On top of this, it was a very wet and cold month – waking up in the morning feeling cold is not a motivator for me!

In an attempt to make December better, I will be using the treadmill a lot more now. I did do a 6km run on the treadmill a couple of days ago.

November 2022 stats

I worked out 10 days, a total of just 4 hours of workouts.

4 hours of exercise – worst month this year!

Last week on TV

Last week on TV

Last week on TV

October Fitness

October was an average month for me in fitness – I blame the colder weather, it really demotivates me! Although once I’m out there running, the cold weather actually helps me go further and faster – I broke my distance record this month.

October 2022 stats

I worked out 14 days. That’s 11 hours of workouts! Mostly walking, I went 41.8km, and did my longest run of 8km without stopping or slowing down 🔥

60% walking, 24% dumbbells, 12% running, 4% misc.

11 hours of fitness this month – around average