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Seriously considering shaving my head now, as hair is getting too long and there’s going to be no chance of going to a barbers any time soon…

It’s my birthday! But we can’t leave the house. ?

@manton I posted a haiku on my blog and when it shared to Twitter there were no line breaks or spaces:

How can I prevent this happening again please? ?

Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons, 1971 – ★★★ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

Yes it’s an historic episode in that it first introduces us to The Master (although it would have been great if this was the same person as The War Chief in The Wargames), but there are a few issues with the story, the effects (green screening for a kitchen scene seemed strange), and some of the monsters (the ugly doll, killer inflatable chair & daffodils are rather strange choices). But it was very funny (although probably unintentionally) and we enjoyed watching it!

I miss Liz!

Doctor Who: Inferno, 1970 – ★★★½ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

I’m really enjoying watching the Third Doctor’s stories, after seeing all episodes in order so far, as the script, direction, and action is miles better than anything that came before it. 

But some of these serials are just a few episodes too long, including this one. So much is repeated to drag the story on!

And the werewolf things are never explained!