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I love screening out emails knowing they can never email me again on

I was an early adopter of GMail and managed to get a short GMail address, [email protected]

This was great until I realised how many people would sign me up to things thinking it was THEIR address ?

The email became unusable. Now for the first time I’m checking it again because it’s forwarding to [email protected] and I can screen what comes in! ?

Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks, 1972 – ★★★

This review may contain spoilers.

I watched the Special Edition, which had some really good effects. The story was good, very Terminator and timey-wimey. Daleks were a bit of an afterthought though and it all ended rather abruptly. One of the best of the third doctor so far.

Doctor Who: Colony in Space, 1971 – ★★½

This review may contain spoilers.

The Master comes along and turns what could have been an interesting story (First time the third Doctor visits another planet, interstellar politics) into a retread of all Master stories, and then they blow up a whole alien city and no-one cares. What?!