Doctor Who: Frontier in Space, 1973 – ★★½
Watched on Wednesday August 12, 2020.
Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters, 1973 – ★★★
Watched on Tuesday August 11, 2020.
Doctor Who: The Three Doctors, 1973 – ★★★½
Watched on Monday August 10, 2020.
Doctor Who: The Time Monster, 1972 – ★★★
Watched on Monday August 10, 2020.
Doctor Who: The Mutants, 1972 – ★★½
Watched on Saturday August 8, 2020.
This is like the start of a Doctor Who episode. Or The Twilight Zone…
[People around world receive mystery seed parcels](
The Martian, 2015 – ★★★★
Watched on Thursday July 9, 2020.
The Jungle Book, 2016 – ★★★
It would have worked better as a musical instead of having basically only King Louie burst into song.
Hamilton, 2020 – ★★★★★
This was incredible. Almost as good as seeing it live (I saw it in London), the original cast are spectacular. I will probably watch it a dozen more times!