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Doctor Who: Robot, 1975 – ★★★

“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes” – The Doctor

Tom Baker is a delight. The story is a bit rubbish though and the effects are unintentionally hilarious.

Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs, 1974 – ★★★★½

Ok so the special effects are terrible, the plot is as mad as a hatter and the Brig *still* has trouble believing the Doctor despite all he’s seen, yet this was one of the most interesting, twisty and exciting serial I’ve seen yet. Sarah-Jane is an excellent companion!

I am officially half way through watching all of Classic Doctor Who ?

Looking: The Movie, 2016 – ★★★★★

This review may contain spoilers.

It’s not a standalone movie. Think of it more as “season 3” compressed into one package. 

As the season finale this was almost perfect. I may not agree with what happened in the end, but it was the right thing for Patrick. 

The scene with Kevin made me sob. I watched it again afterwards and it had the same effect. It’s so moving!