Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe, 1986 – ★★½
This review may contain spoilers.
It started off good but as soon as the Master got involved I audibly groaned.
Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids, 1986 – ★★★½
I really liked this one, Bonnie Langford is delightful, and the Vervoids look like a cross between a venus fly trap, a vagina and a penis 😂
Doctor Who: Mindwarp, 1986 – ★★★
Watched on Monday February 7, 2022.
Far From the Tree, 2021 – ★★★★½
Loved this. Break the cycle.
Encanto, 2021 – ★★★★½
Absolutely delightful
Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet, 1986 – ★★★
The courtroom scenes are fantastic, finally a good performance by Colin Baker, pity about the actual plot this episode but I love a story arc.
An update on workouts
I have decided to stop posting workouts to my blog and Twitter. As I am doing at least 2 workouts a day now, it’s getting a bit spammy.
What started out as a new novel thing is now something I do every day – I never thought it would get to this but I actually really enjoy it!
If you’d like to follow along, please join me on Strava and/or MyFitnessPal.
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks, 1985 – ★★★
Watched on Thursday February 3, 2022.
Afternoon Walk
Distance 5.1km
Total Time 00:54:16
Elevation 10m
Average Speed 5.6km/h
Lunch Activity
Type Weight Training
Total Time 00:30:51
Morning Walk
Distance 5.3km
Total Time 00:58:59
Elevation 12m
Average Speed 5.4km/h
Afternoon Walk
Distance 6.2km
Total Time 01:10:50
Elevation 12m
Average Speed 5.2km/h
Morning Activity
Type Weight Training
Total Time 00:10:31
Morning Activity
Type Weight Training
Total Time 00:20:10
Morning Run
Distance 5.0km
Total Time 00:34:31
Avg Pace 6:54/km
Doctor Who: Timelash, 1985 – ★
Watched on Sunday January 30, 2022.
Evening Walk
Distance 2.0km
Total Time 00:23:01
Average Speed 5.3km/h
Lunch Walk
Distance 4.1km
Total Time 00:45:54
Average Speed 5.4km/h