My hobbies include “not collecting stamps”, “not skiing” and “not Morris dancing”. What about you? (argument against “atheism = a religion”)

If you find yourself saying “I’m not racist but…” then chances are you probably are racist! (same with “I have lots of gay friends but…”).

Skeptical Energy

A common admission from those who claim to have supernatural powers (and something that is illustrated well in Derren Brown’s new show) is that their supernatural abilities dry up whenever there is a skeptic in the room.

This is the thing that stops them getting thoroughly debunked when they meet someone willing to do a scientific test on their “gift” – be it reading minds, talking to the dead, or X-Ray vision – they simply explain their failure in any tests (or refuse to do any such tests at all) by claiming that “skeptical energy” is inhibiting their power.

This is a perfect way of making sure they can continue making extraordinary claims whilst at the same time avoiding any opportunity for doubt.

Or maybe I am being too harsh here – maybe there is some truth in this…

In the (now cancelled) hit US TV show Heroes, many seemingly ordinary citizens have amazing gifts. Some can read minds, others can move objects telepathically. But one person – known as “the Haitian” – has something very similar to the skeptical energy. Whenever he comes near someone with an ability, he drains them of their power. He is a skeptic.

Believe what you will about the supernatural, but I sleep safe at night knowing that if there are people out there who can move objects with their minds or shoot lightning from their fingers, all it takes is a bit of reason and a basic understanding of the scientific method to render them powerless.

RT @codinghorror: Apple’s walled garden bothers me a lot less than Facebook’s. That’s because Apple doesn’t hate their customers.

Been back-and-forthing in same Facebook argument (about equality) for days now. All because *Someone is WRONG on the Internet!*

Been and found our first geocache (with the kids) it’s quite fun! Going to find another one tomorrow!

Had a lovely time in France for the day, the weather was much nicer over there! Boot full of delicious French food, on our way home now!

I wish Twitter would adapt to how I use it. I want to follow more people and read more updates evenings & weekends, but less on workdays.

I want to pre-order our iPad on Monday but why is there a £100 premium for being in the UK? #RipOffBritain

Clegg: “I never thought central London would have 1000 protestors about proportional representation”. He adds: “It’s absolutely wonderful”.

We’re awake far earlier than should be allowed on a Saturday. Going over to France for the day to do some shopping!

With 23% of the vote so far, Lib Dems should have 23% of the seats! This is why we need voting reform, with proportional representation!

As it stands so far, more people in this country have voted against Conservative than for it (%). So why do they think they should win it?!