Funny how I completely disregard that old “dead tree” book now that I’m back in the UK. Putting iPhone down and curling up with a good book.
Author: shauny
The Sixth Sense
Sometimes heart warming, sometimes heart stopping, this supernatural chiller is fascinating to watch and you just have to watch it again after the big reveal.
4 stars
Playing catch-up
I am desperately trying to read everything in my Google Reader—trying to catch up on everything while I was away for two weeks.
Most sane people would probably hit “mark all as read” and carry on. But I cannot do this: there is some driving force that makes me need to read them all, as if I will miss out on something.
The blogs and news has been fantastic, as usual, but I could probably have skipped a vast majority of it and been no worse off.
Funny how something you’ve never noticed before suddenly sticks out. One could almost believe it is a “Glitch in the Matrix” 😉
Dear Internet: Please stop posting news and blogs until I have caught up from the last two weeks. kthanksbye.
Fitting all those IKEA boxes into the car is like playing Tetris.
I can see into the future, and it is awesome
No, I am not claiming to have psychic powers or anything. I have just been watching lots of TED videos and they fill me with awe. Some of the stuff that is being developed right now makes science fiction look more and more like a documentary of the future.
The only problem is it can’t come soon enough!
On our way to IKEA. Need a new bed and some meatballs 🙂 Might pop into the Apple Store and get Snow Leopard. Just £25 awesome!
Got our new Sky viewing card *at last* but no new Sky HD guide? It was months ago they announced that and still nothing…
France 2009
We’re back from France. Normal service will resume shortly.
I now have hundreds of Tumblr updates and thousands of Google Reader items to read!
We are having a lovely time in the South of France. Climbed a mountain today (some of it anyway) and been bobbing around in the sea!
On our way to the airport! France here we come!
Some people absolutely infuriate me with their stupidity
Me: How can you, as a gay person, support these [religious] people who have an anti-gay agenda?
Him: Everyone is entitled to their opinion!
Me: Yes, certainly. But these people are rallying against gay rights. Human rights. Their beliefs should not affect other people.
Him: You should respect other peoples views even if you don’t agree!
Me: Actually, no. They can believe what they want—they are entitled to their beliefs. But they should not try to limit others’ human rights with their anti-gay agenda.
Him: But if others are making a case on one side it’s up to others to counter that argument. Tha’ts democracy! In a good democracy, the right thing will win out, what ever that is.
Me: Do you think the majority should be able to vote on the minority’s human rights? Do you think if someone offends you, you have the right to squash it out? Do you realise these are the justifications for slavery, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.?
Him: My opinion is irrelevent, I am just saying that everyone is entitled to have their own! End of!
Me: /facepalm. You are failing to understand everything I am saying. It is funny how the religious people who *demand* respect and tolerance of their beliefs are the ones who, historically, are the most intolerant (not just to gays, but to all rational thought and inquiry).
Friends do not let friends use IE6
On the NHS
The demonstrably false, idiotic FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) being spread by U.S. Republicans about the NHS / Health Reform just goes to show how pathetic they are — they will lie and cheat and spread nonsense to try and force America to keep health care for the rich and fortunate.
What is their motive? Do they really believe that those too poor to afford health insurance should die?
“Isn’t he cute? And we hate all the same things!” perfect quote from Bionic Woman.
Although Spotify would be PERFECT for in an office. I guess you don’t have to pay radio fees, and you can listen to what you want!
Not impressed with Spotify. I’m just going to used it for full previews of songs, which I can then d/load from (using SweetFM).
Just read the new WOW patch notes. I still look back at WOW every now and again, but am so glad I left – and will not return!
The serial comma is sometimes important
Without the serial comma:
I’d like to thank my parents, Mother Theresa and the Pope.
With the serial comma:
I’d like to thank my parents, Mother Theresa, and the Pope.
Two very different sentences. Just a comma difference.