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I wish I could edit subject lines of emails I’ve received. Really bugs the organisation-freak part of me when a subject line is nondescript.

I never vote for anyone; I always vote against.

W. C. Fields

(This is how I feel when it comes to UK elections; I don’t particularly think any of the parties are good, but I definitely don’t want the Tories to win…)

Result of fire drill: “If it were a real fire, you’d all be dead from the fire truck running you over”. We were all in the road, oops.

Just caught up on Glee (the Halo/Walking on Sunshine mashup is my fave song yet) and now off to the gym.

I just joined “Wiki Answers” to improve one of the answers – it was about vaccinations, and was misleading and possibly dangerous.

Someone is wrong on the internet!! 🙂

“I love old things. They make me feel sad.”
“What’s good about sad?”
“It’s happy, for deep people.”

The Mist

A nicely paced film, the tension and terror grows with every passing moment. I love the whole “the real danger is us” thinking, and this is quite possibly what would actually happen should monsters start appearing in the mist!

4.5 Stars


Whatever your opinion on the healthcare reform in America, you need to see this. Moving and shocking, Michael Moore compares the US health system with other countries in the world, with surprising and disgusting results.

5 Stars

The real situation is that today, two and a half years after the iPhone debuted, web developers can no longer count on every viewer being able to render Flash. The percentage of web user agents with Flash installed is now going down, not up. My money says that trend is permanent, and further, it’ll reach a tipping point in the not-so-distant future and Flash will turn into something like Internet Explorer.

John Gruber

How would you use flash on an iPad or iPhone though? Anything Flash that requires the keyboard and the mouse at the same time wouldn’t work… Anything that uses arrow keys wouldn’t work… Hovering over controls for drop down menus on flash websites wouldn’t work… Enabling Flash wouldn’t do ***** all but enable ads, why exactly do we want this so bad?

One of the best arguments against flash on the iPhone/iPad yet (apart from the fact that flash is not a web standard, not open source, slow and buggy on the Mac and is fast becoming obselete)

Jane Moor sits there saying “education is everything” and yet her and the party she supports are as ignorant as they are right-wing.