Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time, 1978 – ★
The first episode was intriguing. But then it was all downhill from there. Irritatingly nonsensical and made the TARDIS look like a community centre. I can see where Moffat got the idea of there being a swimming pool in the TARDIS, I just never thought I’d see a Sontaran trip over a deck chair.
Embarrassing. And Leela deserved better.
Doctor Who: Underworld, 1978 – ½
K-9 had it right. “Negative!”
Doctor Who: The Sun Makers, 1977 – ★★★½
I actually really liked this one. The Collector was genius, bring him back to New Who!
Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011 – ★★★
Watched on Monday May 3, 2021.
Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl, 1977 – ★
Absolutely awful. One star for the Grandma character, who was brilliant.
Doctor Who: Horror of Fang Rock, 1977 – ★★★
Watched on Sunday April 25, 2021.
Begin Again, 2013 – ★★★★
Watched on Wednesday April 28, 2021.
Stowaway, 2021 – ★★
The first half is a really interesting ethical dilemma and Gravity meets The Martian. But the ending ruins it all.
Little Shop of Horrors, 1986 – ★★★★
It was bizarre. But I kinda loved it!
Once, 2007 – ★★★★★
This is just so beautiful!
Doctor Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang, 1977
This is a difficult one to rate because it’s a very good serial, probably the best of the season, but it is incredible racist.
Best in Show, 2000 – ★★★★
Watched on Tuesday April 20, 2021.
Paradigma, 2016 – ★★
Doesn’t really go anywhere.
Pig Boy, 2017 – ½
WTF did we just watch?!
Next Level Shit, 2019 – ★★★★
Very sweet and hilarious ?