Doctor Who: The Androids of Tara, 1978 – ★★

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So apparently they have the technology to seemingly instantly create a totally lifelike android replica of anyone, and yet they use it in the most stupid way ever. Also this totally lost me when there just happened to be Romana’s doppelgänger here too and she’s the princess, I mean what are the odds? And why does a story with android duplicates also need human duplicates? It’s a mess!

Tom Baker is funny as always though and for that it gets 2 stars!

Fear Street Part One: 1994, 2021 – ★★★½

Love a good slasher flick, some great 90s nostalgia (that’s when I was a teenager!) and surprisingly gory and sexy for what at first might seem like for kids. 

I’m not that happy with how it ended but let’s see how the trilogy pans out!

Also: yay, lesbians!

Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time, 1978 – ★

The first episode was intriguing. But then it was all downhill from there. Irritatingly nonsensical and made the TARDIS look like a community centre. I can see where Moffat got the idea of there being a swimming pool in the TARDIS, I just never thought I’d see a Sontaran trip over a deck chair. 

Embarrassing. And Leela deserved better.