Had a great birthday weekend 🙂 Darwin Centre = awesome, had a great steak in London, shame about the rain! Good to see Mum and Dad!

It’s very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or as I like to call it: ‘marriage.’ You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn’t gay park it.

Liz Feldman

Watched Watchmen tonight. So that clears up the question, “Who watches the Watchmen?”. Well, me for one.

According to the survey, Macs were cheaper to troubleshoot and required fewer help desk calls; system configuration, user training, and servers/networks/printing were all cheaper for a Mac environment than a PC environment. Software licensing fees turned out to be nearly identical for both platforms.

My Mum liked her painting I did for her, is getting it framed (will have a picture of it on DeviantArt soon)

Had a lovely meal with Andrew’s Mum and Dad and the kids over, now it is time for some Smash Bros. 🙂

Watching a programme about scientists trying to see dark matter. What they need is an Amber Spyglass 🙂

Been given 10 free party invites for some club on my birthday, still not sure how they know when my birthday is & my address? Hmm

Been to another Residents’ Association Meeting. Feeling very grown up and important! Great feedback about the website we made.

I like the consensus on #bbcqt that creationism is “barmy”. Glad our politics is not too polluted by religion.

If I had £1 for every time I didn’t tweet something cos it would not fit in 140 chars… my pet peeve with twitter. Must Tumblr it instead.

The BBC programme Virtual Revolution summed up my thoughts on Internet-naysayers (at least this is my interpretation):

Older people have always been afraid of every big change, if the web had been around when they were young it would not be a problem. “Generation web” are growing up not knowing what life was like without the web, just like the last generation couldn’t imagine life before the printing press, or cars.

Big changes mean lots to get used to, and the web is only 20 years young, who knows what the next 20 years will bring. Bring it on!

Had a fun night playing Wii with my parents! Never knew I would knock out my Mum in boxing & she’d out-juggle and out-march me!

I wish I could edit subject lines of emails I’ve received. Really bugs the organisation-freak part of me when a subject line is nondescript.

I never vote for anyone; I always vote against.

W. C. Fields

(This is how I feel when it comes to UK elections; I don’t particularly think any of the parties are good, but I definitely don’t want the Tories to win…)