Oh noes it is back to work tomorrow!
Author: shauny
If you had been born in India, I daresay you would be saying the same thing about Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva. If you had been born in Afghanistan, I daresay you would be saying the same thing about Allah. If you would have been born in Viking Norway, you would have been saying the same thing about Wotan. If you would have been born in Olympian Greece you’d be saying the same thing about Zeus and Apollo.
The human mind is extremely susceptible to hallucination.
Richard Dawkins.
I absolutely love this quote, and it really sums up religion. How can you be sure that you have the right religion, when religion requires no evidence (only faith)? Surely they are all on a level playing field. You only picked your particular religion because of where you were born. So stop being so sure about it!
Doctor Who was awesome, I will miss Tennant but am glad the writer is changing because RTD can get a bit much at times. Roll on new Who!
We all had a great time at my sister’s, they made home made buffet and we made fools of ourselves on the Wii good times!
New Super Mario Bros Wii is absolutely hilarious when played with 4 people, some slightly drunk, shouting and screaming with laughter!
The house is full of fun, games and laughter. Merry Christmas everyone! Can’t wait for DOCTOR WHO 🙂
The kids tucked in bed. Oliver texting me from his new mobile phone. One more sleep til Christmas!
Caring for Your Introvert
The worst of it is that extroverts have no idea of the torment they put us through. Sometimes, as we gasp for air amid the fog of their 98-percent-content-free talk, we wonder if extroverts even bother to listen to themselves. Still, we endure stoically, because the etiquette books—written, no doubt, by extroverts—regard declining to banter as rude and gaps in conversation as awkward.
Ha! This is so true.
Reminder: Backup your data!
Last week something terrible happened; my computer refused to start up. Rescue disks reported that the hard drive had failed.
This can happen to any computer at any time; it is the one thing Macs are not safer from than PCs. Luckily it is also something that Mac OS X has a built-in mechanism to avoid, as long as you do a few easy steps to turn it on.
I’m talking about Time Machine, the automatic backup system that you can just set and then forget.
Of course, you have to set it up first, and this is where people make the big mistake of not bothering. They think it will never happen to them – wrong!
All it involves is buying an external hard drive (I went for the Time Capsule as it was wireless, and is also a full-featured WiFi base station), connecting it and then when the Mac asks if you want to use this as your Time Machine backup, just say yes.
So luckily for me, I had everything backed up. I also use this machine for my business, and we have extra backups for that, too (If the hard drive you are backing up to is located in the same room as your computer, then it is not a good backup in case of fire, theft etc. We use both Dropbox and iDrive at work to back up important data).
All it took for me to restore my Mac to complete working order was to get a new hard drive, then take the computer home and start it up. The Mac OS startup process said “Would you like to migrate everything from your Time Machine backups?” and I said yes. After a couple of hours (there was a lot of stuff!) the computer restarted and it was exactly as I had left it before the hard drive failed!
I was amazed at this; not only every file in its place, but all the preferences set correctly, the software was all activated and up-to-date, all my work was ready to go as I had left it.
Considering my last experience of a hard drive crash was when I was on Windows, and there was no built-in automatic backup system, and backups basically meant sitting there for hours making DVDs of my stuff, Time Machine has been an absolute marvel.
As Joel Spolsky recently said:
“The minimum bar for a reliable service is not that you have done a backup, but that you have done a restore.”
So now, having done a restore from my Time Machine backup, I can heartily recommend using it. If you do not have a backup strategy, do it now before it is too late!
The problem with being your own boss is if you take a Snow Day it’s your problem. In town but picking up emails from my phone. Shopping!
Snow sliding off the roof makes scary sounds, giving me the heebeegeebies.
Just watched the first episode of Glee, OMG I love it! But sky+ missed the end off and now I have to wait until January to see the rest nooo
Many thanks to @msmac who has fixed my Glee dilemma!
It’s snowing!
Elliot and Oliver’s school play tonight was great, an excellent performance from everybody!
Had a great time at Andrew’s Xmas work do!
The Grinch: It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags!
Narrator: Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.
The Grinch: Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…
Narrator: He thought
The Grinch: …means a little bit more.
Yay, Andrew got me a Zac Efron calendar!
Last.fm: “Your musical compatibility with @Jon75 is SUPER” oh dear that’s not good is it 🙂 Listening to Xmas songs at work now! Woo