Episode 101

After winning another BAFTA for their hit comedy series, ‘Lyman’s Boys’, writers Sean and Beverly Lincoln are approached by American television executive Merc Lapidus who tells them that he’d be thrilled if they’d accept his offer to write an American remake of the show. After some trepedation the couple decide to make the journey from London to Los Angeles. On their first day in pre-production, Sean and Beverly are told that Julian Bullard who stars in the successful British series will need to re-audition for the American adaptation. They also learn that Merc has lied to them and has never even seen an episode of their show and that the luxurious house they’ve been given is in fact, just an unused set. Bullard is not given the job and the Lincolns are told that Matt LeBlanc will get the role instead.

White Christmas

In a mysterious and remote snowy outpost, Matt and Potter share a Christmas meal together, swapping creepy tales of their earlier lives in the outside world.

Monsters Among Us

One of the only surviving sideshows in the country struggles to stay in business during the dawning era of television; police make a terrifying discovery at a local farmhouse.

I Am Anne Frank (2)

Sister Jude employs a renowned Nazi hunter to gather evidence against Arden; Kit makes a surprising confession; Bloody Face is unmasked.

Piggy, Piggy

Constance enlists Violet’s assistance with Tate. Ben helps a new patient confront his fears.

Fearful Pranks Ensue

Fiona’s choices rattle a decades-long truce between the Salem witches and Marie Laveau; the Council of Witchcraft pays a surprise visit to the academy with disturbing allegations.

The Dead

Fiona finds purpose in a dangerous love affair; Queenie questions her place in the Coven; Cordelia makes a decision about her mother.

Spilt Milk

Grace tells Kit devastating news about the aliens’ experiments on Alma; Dr. Thredson receives an unexpected visitor; the Monsignor goes to extreme lengths to silence Jude.

The Replacements

Fiona takes on an unlikely protégé; a guilt-ridden Zoe tries to give Kyle his old life back; Madison has a fiery exchange with Joan Ramsey.

Magical Thinking

Elsa prepares for her move to Hollywood. The Twins grow enamored with a traveling salesman. Dell plots Jimmy’s escape from police custody.

I Am Anne Frank (1)

A new patient exposes Arden’s past; Kit learns why Grace was admitted to Briarcliff.


Elsa unveils a dangerous new act. Stanley puts pressure on Maggie to murder Jimmy. Paul indulges in a secret romance.

Murder House

Vivien learns the horrific truth about the house’s first residents and Ben’s visitor causes him to further unravel about what really happened in the haunted house. Constance and Moira have their history revealed.


A therapist and his family move across the country to escape their troubled past but quickly discover that their new home comes with its own horrific baggage.

The Axeman Cometh

Zoe, Queenie and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the academy; Cordelia’s new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation.

Curtain Call

The Freaks rebel against new management. Dandy prepares for his debut performance. Elsa arrives in Tinseltown.

Halloween (2)

Tate comes face to face with his past, and Ben and Vivien are haunted by a new houseguest before Halloween night comes to an end.

Protect the Coven

Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation; Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice.

Burn, Witch. Burn!

Besieged by Marie Laveau’s army, Zoe unleashes a new power; Fiona and Myrtle clash over control of the coven; Madame LaLaurie is confronted by old ghosts.