Hearts and Minds

When Locke learns that Boone wants to share their “secret” with Shannon, Locke decides to teach him a lesson. This leads to Shannon’s life being placed in what seems like peril. Boone and Shannon’s dark past is revealed in a shocking backstory that recalls their relationship right before the plane crash and presages the return of the beast. Kate, who has become a confidante to the soft-spoken Sun, is puzzled by Sun’s mysterious behavior and the revelation that she can speak English. A hungry Hurley must convince Jin to share his fish by making up for offending Jin by rejecting his offer of raw fish early on, or he’ll continue to suffer digestive problems from the limited island diet.

What Kate Did

As Kate’s backstory continues, her original crime is revealed. She thinks something is haunting her through Sawyer. Locke and Eko make an interesting discovery about the film, and Michael has a mysterious encounter with the computer.

Stranger in a Strange Land

As Kate and Sawyer journey back to the main island with Karl, who is exhibiting effects of the brainwashing video, they argue over whether to go back and save Jack. On Hydra island, as Juliet’s fate rests in his hands and a power struggle within the Others ensues, Jack recollects the time he spent in Phuket, Thailand and his relationship with Achara, a mysterious tattoo artist.

Born to Run

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. The suspects include Sawyer and Kate, who compete for the last seat on the raft and do anything possible to prevent each other from getting it. Meanwhile, a secret from Kate’s past is revealed to the other survivors on the island.

Enter 77

On their mission to rescue Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Locke stumble upon a mysterious structure surrounded by farm animals and meet its strange inhabitant. Back at the camp, in order to reclaim his belongings, Sawyer plays in a ping-pong competition.


Libby lends a helping hand to Hurley to support him when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him. Hurley begins to see Dave (guest-star Evan Handler, Sex and the City) on the island, who was his friend in the mental institution Hurley was in. Also, Locke’s sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner gives him new information about the hatch.

Dr. Linus

Ilana discovers Ben killed Jacob, so she plans to kill him. Meanwhile, Jack, Hurley and a suicidal Richard visit the Black Rock. In the flash sideways, Ben, a high school teacher, tries to blackmail the school’s principal.

Not in Portland

Jack has the Others in a desperate situation as he holds Ben’s life in his hands. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer try to escape from their captors. Flashbacks reveal Juliet’s past as a medical researcher in Miami.

Tabula Rasa

Jack and Hurley discover an alarming secret about Kate, as the marshal’s life hangs in the balance and he suffers a lot of pain. Meanwhile Kate, Charlie, Sawyer, Sayid, Boone and Shannon ponder the mysteries they have begun to uncover and worry that telling the other survivors will cause panic. They decide to lie for the time being. Also, Locke’s befriending of Walt disturbs Michael, but Walt is more concerned in finding his dog. Lastly, Kate flashes back to when she was arrested by the marshal in Australia.


The Man in Black sends Sawyer on a reconnaissance mission to Hydra Island, where he discovers that Charles Widmore has returned to the island with a team of scientists. In the flash sideways, Sawyer is a lonely cop who is still searching for the original Sawyer.


Violence ensues and a mysterious island beast makes a re-appearance when Michael and Locke clash over Walt’s upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie is tempted to read the missing Claire’s diary, and Sayid enlists Shannon to help decipher the French woman’s map.


Kate and Sawyer divulge dark secrets to each other while tracking a renegade boar that Sawyer swears is purposely harassing him. Hurley and Sayid worry that Charlie is losing it after facing a brush with death and killing Ethan with 6 bullets to the chest. A shocking prior connection between Sawyer and Jack is revealed in a flashback which shows Sawyer meeting Jack’s father in a bar. Robert Patrick (“Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” “The X-File”) guest stars.


Desmond looks for a woman who might be the key to helping Faraday stop the island’s unpredictable movements through time; Locke finds out who has been attacking the survivors.

Exodus (1)

The French woman-Danielle Rousseau-shocks the survivors by showing up to the camp with a dire warning about “the Others” who are on the island, and the black smoke that precedes them. Meanwhile, Michael and Jin ready the raft for sailing. In flashbacks, we see the survivors final moments before they boarded their fateful flight.


On Jacob’s orders, Hurley leads Jack to a lighthouse. Meanwhile, Claire questions an Other she has captured while tending to an injured Jin. In the flash sideways, Jack is a single father trying to bond with his son.

The Last Recruit

The survivors split into two groups; one led by Sawyer, the other by the Man in Black. Sawyer’s group travels to Hydra Island, where they are captured by Widmore’s crew after Sun and Jin are reunited. In the flash sideways, the passengers of Oceanic 815 continue to cross paths with each other.