The End (2)

For different reasons, Jack and the Man in Black both use Desmond to extinguish the light at the heart of the island. The island starts disintegrating, but The Man in Black is also made mortal. Still desperate to escape, The Man in Black fights Jack and mortally wounds him, but with help from Kate, Jack kills him. Realizing his destiny, Jack sacrifices himself to relight the heart of the island, so his friends can escape on the Ajira plane. Hurley takes Jack’s place as protector of the island and makes Ben the new advisor. The flash sideways is revealed to be a type of limbo, or holding pattern, for the main characters, where they reside until accepting their life and death, and are then able to “let go” and “move on” together.

What They Died For

Ben finally takes his revenge on Widmore after accepting the Man in Black’s request for assistance. Jacob explains the purpose of the candidates, and Jack volunteers to take his place. The search for Desmond reveals that he has been rescued and the Man in Black plans to use him to destroy the island. In the flash sideways, each person ends up on their way to a concert.

Further Instructions

Locke, Eko and Desmond are found scattered about the island after the implosion of the hatch. Locke receives a message from the Island asking him to fix the situation he caused.

Hurley returns to the beach camp to report the imprisonment of Kate, Jack and Sawyer by the Others.

Desmond has been fundamentally altered by the implosion, giving him a mysterious new power.

The Beginning of the End

They thought they had met the enemy. They thought they had seen evil. They thought wrong. As the new season begins, the survivors feel that rescue is close at hand, but they don’t know whether or not to believe Charlie’s final message that the people claiming to liberate them are not who they seem to be. As unlikely alliances are formed, those they thought could be trusted may turn against them, as the enemy of their enemy becomes their friend. But who can be trusted? Is rescue really as close as it seems?

The Greater Good

After another funeral, tempers rise as the survivors’ suspicions of each other grow, and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. The events that landed Sayid on Flight 815 play out as he engages Locke in a psychological game of cat and mouse to uncover the truth about the mishap that claimed Boone’s life.

Left Behind

Kate and Juliet are stranded in the jungle after Kate learns that there is a traitor in the survivor’s midst. Meanwhile, Sawyer’s poor attitude and selfish ways towards the beach community may earn him a vote of banishment if he doesn’t have a change of heart.

The End (1)

For different reasons, Jack and the Man in Black both use Desmond to extinguish the light at the heart of the island. The island starts disintegrating, but The Man in Black is also made mortal. Still desperate to escape, The Man in Black fights Jack and mortally wounds him, but with help from Kate, Jack kills him. Realizing his destiny, Jack sacrifices himself to relight the heart of the island, so his friends can escape on the Ajira plane. Hurley takes Jack’s place as protector of the island and makes Ben the new advisor. The flash sideways is revealed to be a type of limbo, or holding pattern, for the main characters, where they reside until accepting their life and death, and are then able to “let go” and “move on” together.

Deus Ex Machina

Locke thinks he’s being sent a sign on how to get the hatch open, and he and Boone venture inland. Jack is reluctant to offer assistance when Sawyer begins to experience excruciating headaches and needs glasses.

…In Translation

When the raft the survivors have been building mysteriously burns down, Michael is convinced that Jin is responsible for the sabotage, which only serves to escalate their rivalry. Meanwhile, Sun stuns her fellow survivors with a surprising revelation, and Boone gives Sayid a warning about his step-sister Shannon. Lastly, more details of Jin and Sun’s troubled marriage are revealed through flashbacks.


Sun allows Juliet to examine her when she learns that all of “The Others” pregnant woman died before they gave birth on the island. Meanwhile, Desmond and an unlikely nemesis collaborate to save a new island inhabitant’s life.

The Hunting Party

Jack, Locke and Sawyer follow after a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded “Others” in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin’s desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of “what women want.”


Mr. Eko has dreams about his brother leading him somewhere. He seeks Locke’s help in finding a secret location, the “question mark.” Meanwhile, Jack and the other survivors grapple with the horrific situation in the hatch with the death of Ana-Lucia and Libby clinging to life.


With the abduction of Walt fresh on their minds, their raft destroyed, and Jin missing, Michael and Sawyer fight for their lives in the middle of nowhere in the ocean and discover a new predator in the roiling sea. Meanwhile on land, Locke must descend into the hatch when Kate goes missing inside. Also, Jack isn’t too far behind Locke as he decides to go into the hatch as well later on. Lastly, flashbacks reveal more of Michael’s troubled relationship with ex-lover Susan and their baby son Walt as they fight over custody for Walt and Michael must let go.


Kate needs to get information out of the hostages, but it may jeopardize her standing with Locke — as well as with Sawyer. Meanwhile in the future Kate’s Court hearings take place.


Desmond convinces Hurley, Jin, and Charlie to follow him on a trek through the jungle after he receives a series of visions. Flashbacks reveal the time that Desmond spent with a cloister of monks. Meanwhile, a despondent Kate turns to Sawyer for companionship after seeing Jack and Juliet together.