
On Trill, Captain Burnham, Book, and Culber must pass a dangerous test to prove themselves worthy of the next clue. Adira reconnects with Gray and Saru’s first day as ambassador is complicated by his engagement to T’Rina.

Red Directive

Captain Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery are sent to retrieve a mysterious 800-year-old Romulan vessel; until the artifact hidden inside is stolen, leading to an epic chase. Meanwhile, Saru is offered the position of a lifetime, and Tilly’s efforts to help pull her into a tangled web of secrecy.

En Français

Having lost their appetite for Food Club, the ghosts trial some new entertainment inspired by Pat. Disaster strikes as Mike and Alison host an important guest at Button House.


Mike is feeling intense anxiety about the future. The couple look into selling some land, incensing Lady Button. Can Thomas finally become a published poet?


With the B&B gone, Mike anxiously strives to fix their finances, but it’s April Fools’ Day, and a distracted Alison is out for revenge. The couple receive some life-changing news.

Flesh and Stone (2)

There’s no way back, no way up and no way out. Trapped among an army of Weeping Angels, The Doctor and his friends must try to escape through the wreckage of a crashed space liner. Meanwhile, in the forest vault, the Doctor’s companion, Amy Pond, finds herself facing an even more deadly attack.